May 4, 2020

Press release of Manni Group dated 4th April 2020

Verona, 4th May 2020

The manufacturing sector starts again in Italy as from the 4th May. Manni Group’s Italian companies are therefore reopening with all its capabilities their activities no longer at a reduced regime, as established by the previous restrictions. In our previous press releases we have highlighted the necessary protection measures which we were able to implemented fare before the requirement were made known, thanks to the skills and competence of all the staff of the Group’s companies.

In the mainstream this moment is defined as "black swan", an event that occurs with exceptional rarity and that will determine the course of the future. To deal with these circumstances usually the main characteristics of a solid Group are pointed out, aspects which characterise us and are often indicated as: diversity as a fundamental element of organizational culture, networking skills, quick and clear decisions, co-responsibility, energy, shared factor of experiences and best practices, strengthening of IT systems and infrastructures. These aspects are all fitting and it is exactly what has happened in our Group. Although the real difference was made by the women and men of the Group in overcoming this emergency. The contribution of all staff will certainly be even more decisive in the next phase.

The Group’s companies, in Italy and worldwide, have shown resilience by changing the way they work, always guaranteeing the centrality of customer service. New projects were born that demonstrated an even stronger integration of the Group's know-how, also through collaborations with specialists from different sectors and universities. This thanks to the availability, sense of responsibility and belonging of everyone.

Not only did the we deal with ordinary management in an extraordinary situation, but also innovative actions were put in place mainly to manage the emergency situations, with an injection of new technologies such as the Hospital Module offered by Maetrics. Not only that; the Group also provided assistance to many customers by offering a personalised support so that they could react towards those activities considered exceptional. This phase was a good chance for us to boost the sales force's skills and training.

Step by step, these actions are helping to define the course of the future, that of Manni Group and of the entire community we work with. As anticipated in the latest press release, we foresee just as many efforts and difficulties coming up, towards a future where dry and sustainable constructions will be the leading role of the recovery.



Enrico Frizzera

CEO and General Manager of Manni Group

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