Isopiano polyurethane wall panel, with smooth finishing and visible fixing. It can be installed vertically or horizontally.

Isopiano is a sandwich panel used for walls of industrial facilities, modules and internal partitions.

Territorial availability
  • Panel with double metal lining
  • Polyurethane insulation
  • Joint with exposed fixing
  • It can be installed vertically or horizontally


  • Casella Vuota: Prodotto non producibile
  • Without certificate
  • Certified producible
  • Certificate by extension
  • Performance released with Technical Note
Fire reaction
Fire reaction

FIRE REACTION CERTIFICATION: refers to the reaction of materials to the fire in the actual conditions of final application, with special focus on the degree of participation in the fire. Reaction to fire is a passive fire protection measure that carries out its main effects during the first propagation of the fire with the aim of limiting ignition of materials and propagation of the said fire (standard EN 13501-1)

Isopan panels limit ignition and propagation of flames in the event of a fire.

ATTENTION: The performances declared in the tables below, which are associated with different types of insulation, can vary based on the production of the building, in accordance with local and national regulations in force. Kindly check with Isopan. If not specifically requested, no performance will be provided.
Classification Isolation Category Thickness 30 35 40 50 60 80 100 120
B s1 d0* Foam Fire reaction
B s2 d0 Foam Fire reaction
B s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction
C s3 d0 Foam Fire reaction
Fire resistance
Fire resistance
FIRE RESISTANCE CERTIFICATION: refers to the load-bearing capacity and separating ability in case of fire for structural (e.g. walls, floors) and non-structural (e.g. doors, partitions) separation elements. Fire resistance is a fire protection measure to pursue in order to ensure an adequate level of safety of a building in case of fire (reference standard EN 13501-2.)

Isopan panels assure adequate fire resistance in case of fire.

ATTENTION: The performances declared in the tables below, which are associated with different types of insulation, can vary based on the production of the building, in accordance with local and national regulations in force. Kindly check with Isopan. If not specifically requested, no performance will be provided.
Classification Isolation Category Thickness 30 35 40 50 60 80 100 120 120
EI 30* Foam Fire resistance
EI 20* Foam Fire resistance
EI 15* Foam Fire resistance
EI 15 (ceiling) Foam Fire resistance
EW 60* Foam Fire resistance

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  • Română Română
  • polski polski
  • Nederlands Nederlands
  • Italiano Italiano
  • Čeština Čeština
  • Français Français
  • Deutsch Deutsch
  • Español Español
  • English English
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